Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Mollie Girl

Well, I'm going to take a break from talking about the problems of my little boy ratties and share some happy (I think...) news. I've always wondered, why can't I have the type of rats I always see in the videos on Youtube?? With the rubbing and loving and sleeping on their person's lap. My rats have always been SOOO independent! They let me rub them a bit and then their off the destroy someting. :P
Yestereday though, I was up late giving medicine to some of my other rats and Molly (I'll have to post pics later because I'm at work right now...shhh...don't tell.), my girlie cow (hooded black/white rat), comes up on the bed and starts "bomping" away under the covers. Before I know it she's sleeping next to my leg. She's moves around from leg to leg to one point she was resting next to my face. It was crazy!! In fact, I've started worrying about it!! Like, what is she trying to tell me? Is she sick? She doesn't seem lethargic, she was just at the doctor...there were no tumors or anything. She's eating and drinking... After a long talk with my boss (who's husband is a Vet), we decided that we should just learn to be happy. That Mollie is doing what I've always wanted my ratties to if she's happy, I should be happy.
Alrighty, I'm going to go since I should be working. But tonight I will for sure edit this and add some pic or video or something. I've decided that in addition to telling everyone about the problems I've had with our ratties, I'm going to use this blog like a diary. That way I can always look back and remember these moments more clearly. I just read through my first post about Annie and almost cried. But I tell you what, I'm super happy it was there, because it helped me remember how much I love her and how much I miss her! Sound sad? Not really, it just helps me appreciate the ones I have more. I'm going to go home and love them up until they want to scratch my eyeballs out! lol. :D

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